Monday, January 4, 2010

The up side to editing.

I don't want to rehash old crap, but I felt like doing something productive with my photos today so I started plowing through old folders. Editing, organizing, and discovering. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather be out taking something new with the camera that I paid way too much for, but the thought of going outside on a day like this is just not that appealing. I think it hit -14 last night.

So, here are a couple things I found.

I love my Diana cameras. I love the complete lack of technical anything. Granted, mine takes 10 minutes to load, because I have to apply a liberal amount of gaff tape to the entire body to both keep it together and keep it almost light-tight. It also has a broken aperture ring, so I'm forced to shoot it wide open. This is fine with me as well, as it ensures an extra-terrible image quality.

I made room for it in my digital case today...

1 comment:

sara said...

one of those is on my wall and i love it.