Don't get me wrong, though, this isn't the same classification as the normal shit-rat that I once rained death and destruction upon in the name of child welfare. No, this a problem of a much grander scale. Standard pellet guns don't do squat to a raccoon unless you were to get real, real lucky. I suggested a golf club. He called animal control.
I guess the point is I'm ashamed and embarrassed by my friend's behavior(or lack thereof). In only 7 months, the neighborhood that I once secured has apparently turned into some sort of shit-sanctuary. When the cats away...
You fill me with the urge to defecate on your face.
You are the one who told me to call animal control.
Then you have the gall to Question my manliness..
I say to you It is your fault for not ridding the neighborhood of these pests because you were too focused on congratulating yourself for your pitiful performance on squirrel eradication (which have now come back bigger, faster & stronger.)
Whoa. Them's fightin' words right there.
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