Friday, April 29, 2011

Someone squish it!

I don't pay attention to the Royal Family. They embarrass me, and I'm not English. But still, a guy with internet access couldn't help but know what just went down, and even a little about it.

I guess I thought I knew enough. Now I'm not so sure. This photo changed everything.

Look, I get it. They're called Blue Bloods for a reason. Over the years, there has been a lot of tolerance to making sex with members of their own family. This causes problems, health and otherwise. And, when I say otherwise, I mean the miniature troll on the right flank of the former Miss Middleton. Oh my god is she ugly. She looks like she was squeezed out of a tube. I know that flowery halo thing is for decoration and all, but I'm imagining that it is a magic head-collar that is the only thing that keeps her from changing back into her natural state of full-fledged werewolf.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Post #200!

Jesus. I was surprised enough to just have the fortitude to make it to 100 posts, but 200? This might get in the way of my aspirations of becoming a lazy ass bitch.

I know that I haven't posted shit lately, but nothing exciting has happened in my life and I respect the 4 people who will read this enough that I didn't want to bore them by jabbering on with a bunch of crap that wasn't in the least bit interesting. It was my slow season, after all, as it seemingly was for the rest of Minneapolis' residents. I guess I could have posted photos of me reading the paper and watching The Price Is Right at Jimmy's, but that kind of thing is usually better experienced.

I did take this photo on a job a few weeks ago.

I don't know. I thought it was funny.