Monday, September 14, 2009

Most effective weight loss program ever?

I've been engaged in the process of becoming a live kidney donor for the last 7-8 weeks now. I've filled out a grip of paper work, talked to a half dozen people on the phone, and passed my initial blood tests. I'm not sure, but I think this puts me about half way through the process.

So far, I'm signed up as a Non-Directed donor. This means that as of yet, I don't have anyone specifically to give my kidney to(kinda sad, huh?). Actually, this is kind of bullshit, though, because there are currently over 70,000 people who are slowly dying whilst on kidney dialysis. So unless someone I know has a friend or loved one in need, it'll be going to the next possible match on that long-ass list.

Next up is a Nov. 16th appointment at Fairview for an 8 hour physical complete with a psychological screening. I guess you could say that this is where its going to get really interesting.

I'm planning on making a separate blog about this whole experience, complete with photos of myself getting put through the whole goddamn ringer. Hopefully, I'll do the experience justice. Hopefully, the experience gets someone else thinking about doing the same thing.


SJT said...

This is amazing. I'm a little teary actually. You're a good man Charlie Brown.

Beautiful Bonnie said...

good job kel. remember that photo you took of my arm with all the needles in it??

Anonymous said...

Awesome, my grandpa received a kidney transplant almost 10 years ago now. Read the Star Tribune sunday (9/27) paper article on this dilemma...? Awesome Kelly, AWESOME!