Thursday, February 3, 2011

G-Ma hits 94!

I don't want to brag or anything, but I have the best Grandma in the world. She is the complete and total shit. I mean, I don't intend to sound overly dramatic, but my Grandma could beat up your Grandma. Seriously. She is 100% Polish. Do you even know what that means? It means get the hell out of the way because this place is crap, and she's here to pick up the pieces.

We did some of the usual on our tour of Northeast today. The Modern, Surdyk's, Reddy Meats. I threw a new one in there for her, though, Rewind. She loved it. She always does. See, my Grammy is probably the ultimate tour guide when it comes to this area. Not only does she know where all the iconic places are, she has some dirt on the families that actually started the businesses. Christ, she slapped ol' man Mayslack in the face as well as tell ol' man Jax to go to hell(in Polish) to fend off their advances. It's totally understandable, though, as she was completely stunning in her 20's.


1 comment:

SJT said...

I love how much you love her. It's really awesome.