Sunday, December 30, 2012

I'm sorry!

I received this little gem of a note on my car's windshield the other night outside of the curling club.

Look, it was an accident.  The roads are all messed up with snow and ice piles, and it really didn't appear to be the end of a driveway that I parked in front of.  St. Paul is a messed-up, idiotic place and it appeared to me to be some strange old sidewalk.

That isn't important here, though.  What is is the logic that the note-writer in question uses in constructing this hate-filled diatribe.  Apparently, if I blocked the driveway on purpose, I'm an asshole.  That seems fair enough.  Things get weird, though, were I to have accidentally blocked the driveway.  In my mind, that would make me a lesser variety of asshole.  In the writer's vengeful mind, though, that makes me a reckless asshole.  How the hell do I get this elevated status of asshole if I didn't even do it on purpose?  It just doesn't seem fair.

1 comment:

SJT said...

Awfully hostile for a curling club.