What weapons would you take?
This seemingly absurd question(as well as many related to it) has been on my mind for weeks. I can't seem to shake it. I'm positive that I'm getting on my coworkers nerves by now. I hope that by confronting this on my blog, it will have a cathartic effect, and I can put the issue to rest.
That having been said, here are my pics.

From left to right we have the M4 Carbine, a Mack 10, and a goddamn American-made Louisville Slugger.
The M4(with the grenade launcher of course) would hopefully be my most used weapon. If this is so, it means I'm keeping the walking dead grizzly whores where I should be keeping them... far away.
The Mack 10 was suggested by my friend Eric. Its a brilliant close range option. If they get in that 15 ft range(they will, they're ZOMBIES!), I can peel off like 19 .45 rounds a second and deliver exploded heads in waves.
Inevitably, though, I'm going to reload. Occasionally, a zombie will get too close for me to take chances with. Out comes the trusty Louisville Slugger. Others chose samurai swords, axes, etc... all acceptable. Personally, though, I love the romance of the Slugger. America may be a land of the walking dead ex-Pats, but that doesn't mean that I can't hold onto a little piece of patriotism.
I encourage you all to invest some time in thinking about this subject. After all, Jacko just died and one could view that as a sign.
You may even want to pretend to be a zombie once and a while. Its always prudent to know your enemy.

If I want to be prudent during a Zombie Apocalypse, I'll be bring myself and my kids to your house. You have the weapons. I'll bring the uh....witty commentary. You should read....World War Z by Max Brooks. My husband loves it. And it could help prepare you.
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