Geiger and I decided to go check out brunch here today and man, all I can say is that everything just fucking sucked. Except the cool looking ice. They spent the money for one of those specialty wiz-bang ice machines that all the fashionable cocktail places are using. And since I'm a sucker for shit like that, I actually don't mind paying an extra buck for pretty ice in my cocktail.
Anyway, like I said, everything just sucked. I won't hold it against them, though, they have only been open for like 48 hours.

The only thing I'm worried about with this place is parking. Due to the whole proximity to my house thing, and their tiny parking lot, there is bound to be some overflow into my street. Thats fine and all, but this is a neighborhood with families and other people who are just not generally accustomed to hordes of drunken club dudes wandering around their yards. And this has NOTHING to do with them being young drunk GAY dudes. It has to do with them being YOUNG DRUNK gay DUDES. Ask any older, civilized gay man... they'll tell you that a drunk dude is a drunk dude is a drunk dude.
I asked my "older civilized gay man" friends...they concur with you.
Get these motha fuckin squirrels off my motha fuckin plane!
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