Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tutorial: How a Man Dies

The link I'm providing here has nothing to do with political affiliation or persuasion of any sort. The truth is, this man is reminiscent to me of numerous people, even things, witnessed and experienced in my life. I was just too accustomed to them being around. I never stopped to appreciate their value, their relevance, their goddamn moxie. Actually, in most cases I was just too young and/or stupid, but thats neither here nor their after it all comes to pass, isn't it?

This, folks, is a man who isn't scared to face the end.

OK, I know what you're thinking. A real man of 2009 might know how to make a link work from his own fucking blog. Accept me for the tech-challenged man that I am, and go read some goddamned Churchill or Twain or something... watch Rambo, I don't care.

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