As someone who has a bit of nostalgia for The Loring Bar, you might be able to imagine my disdain at the monstrosity that is Lurcat. I'm not sure that they could have found a more polar opposite to fill its shoes. I hate its vespa-esque music. I hate its post modern bullshit decor. I hate the beautiful sinks that always end up splashing on me when I wash my hands. I DON'T hate our mayor, but when it comes to going out for the night, I really don't feel like he and I have the same goals and therefore I don't want to party at the same bar as he and his wife.
That being said, I cannot deny the Lurcat mini burger. No man can deny the Lurcat mini burger.

I maintain that I would gladly give up 5 years of my life if the alternative was living life without ketchup. Ketchup does not belong on the Lurcat mini burger. Nothing does. Its perfect as you see it above. They gave me the low down of what is involved in the making of it once. I was eating one at the time, so the only thing that I remember is... butter.
Butter makes the world go round my friend.
Yeah... those were effing awesome. I told everyone to eat them. i also bookmarked you. happy now? ironic, it's nothing you said this time as much as the picture itself. I feel like it's giving me the "come hither" look and I'm thinking what's there to come to? I'm so accustom to burgers being so big that I have to stretch my mouth to get in all the layers. This mini-burger looks like a joke especially when taken up so close yet seem so small still that you can make it fall a part with the flick of a finger. I can't take it seriously, and I can practically just swallow this mini. But hey, I believe in the under dog concept. It's cute, and I'm going to take your word on its taste. =)
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