Thursday, March 12, 2009

One man show

Part of the whole food photos project that is so cool is that I'm spending money at a time when too many people are watching too much TV. If you watch some asshole 'expert' flap his arms enough while spouting off about impending financial doom, that may tend to make a person clamp down. Fortunately, I live relatively cheap, have been working a good amount for this time of year, and I don't own a TV. Therefore, I have enough money to do this, and I'm not scared.

I do miss cooking, though. And I did have $43.67 left on my Ready Meats gift card.

So, I decided to play chef, food stylist, photographer, diner, and dishwasher. Seared/Broiled peppered filet mignon with a red wine reduction sauce and crumbled blue cheese, roasted roma tomatoes, all served over a bed of mixed greens.

Notice the distinct lack of blue cheese. Thats because my dumb ass found out its harder than I thought to wear all those hats at once and remember to use all the fucking ingredients. Plus, I was hungry, so I tried to get it done while the food was still hot(I failed). The time crunch proved to much to handle.

I broiled some carrots, too, but decided not to use them in the shot. This shot turned out kind of cool, though, so here.

1 comment:

SJT said...

When are you bringing yourself over here to show us your culinary skills? I'm waiting.