I moved. Again. It seems like I have made moving a yearly thing. This time, though, promises to be different. This time, I'm living with two women. What have I done...
Actually, so far its been great. Both of my roommates are highly enjoyable, interesting, and adult people. They are also pretty goddamn hot, which is kind of a perk. We landed a 4 bedroom Victorian in my absolute favorite part of NE Minneapolis... 2 blocks from Jimmy's. The house is great, the landlord is nice, the disposal is fucking hi-tech, the window in my closet(sniper position #1) is perfect for killing squirrels, our furniture worked perfect... its just a pretty good situation all around.
There is a problem, though. Actually, there will be a problem. At least for my roommates, at some point. See, I'm used to either living alone, or with a dude who rarely woke up before noon. I don't like clothes on when I sleep. None. When I wake up, I tend to be on autopilot for the first 45 seconds or so, or however long it takes me to get to the bathroom. Here lies the problem for my roommates. One of these days, one of them will be up early, minding their own business and WHAM!... there's me in all my un-glory. Surely not the way they will want to start their day.

This, dear reader, is another issue we will be exploring. This is hair... Tiffany's hair. Tiffany's hair is beautiful, yes, but its also fucking everywhere. At least it seems like it to a guy who has had a crew cut for the last 15 years. Anyway, I'm going to be documenting it. This is Exhibit A.