OK, I understand that houses get foreclosed on. They get condemned. Buildings become vacant. All that shit happens as the natural ebb and flow of a community. With that acknowledged, can't people display a little creativity sometimes? Do we always have to perpetuate the same goddamn stereotype of the down and out?

Kudos to whoever blocked this place up. Yeah, it has nothing to do with northeast or food or squirrels or any of the other happy horseshit that usually occupies my posts... but it a damn nice piece of condemnation, no less!
That's impressive. Why don't they ALL do that? I got a couple houses here in the 'burbs that have been foreclosed. Who's up for a painting party?
and kudos to you for finding it. That's so awesome. Wow - are surrounded by that much foreclosure - sounds very D.
I love the fact that it was green for a year and now it's purple. Can't wait to see what color they do next!
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