1. A place for friends to view drunk Bay to Breakers photos from San Fran.
2. Random crap.
3. A documentary of the War with the Squirrels.
4. Random crap.
5. Burningman photos.
6. More from the front line of the Squirrel War.
7. Random crap.
8. The food project starts(still going)
9. Random crap.
10. The Northeast project starts

So, thank you to anyone durable enough to have read a bunch of my posts. As you now know, I utilize this blog more as a diary than anything else. And I'm sorry if I have offended anyone with my corse language or crude ideas.
Here is a smattering of some of my favorite entries from the past year
Squirrel War Begins!
The Native American Squirrel Significance Bullshit
Mr. America
Food project starts
The Beer Stick
The Kramarchek's fuck-story
Modern pot roast
This billboard SUCKS
Pretty brave to have an online journal and it has definitely been enjoyable. I still can't fathom how much time has flown.
Congrats. Thanks for entertaining me for at close to 100 days.
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