I started a new project yesterday. It's quite simple. I'm going to drive up and down every block in NE Minneapolis and photograph any and all places that remind me of the area that I've called home for many years. Its going to have a heavy architectural emphasis, but certainly won't be opposed to including the... whatever. The only thing I plan on avoiding is people(at least portraiture). That would just open it up more than I care to think about, and I would risk the whole thing fizzling out.

If you can tell me what bar this is, I'll buy you a beer there.
So, yeah. I'm definitely not planning on blogging the entire project... there will just be too many photos. I'm 2 trips into this and I already have about 15 keepers for the archive... and thats from parts of the Marshall Terrace and Holland neighborhoods. It should be fun.
Awesome! I miss NE. Thanks for bringing it to my livingroom.
jimmys, you owe me a beer.
damn. i turn around for one second and suddenly you're the most prolific blogger in the whole ding dang diggity blogosphere. i want this pbr photo. need it. it's my birthday next month. print it, send it. and it's jimmys. you owe me a beer too.
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