Friday, February 13, 2009


Man I love borscht. Can't exactly call myself a connoisseur, but I love it.

If you plan on going to Kramarchek's anytime soon, take heed. They just switched up their system from cafeteria style to... something else. I really couldn't tell you what the hell was going on. All I know is I put on more milage in that restaurant from the time I walked in until the time that I left than I ever have in ANY restaurant. I mean, they have a hand held menu now, and bring you your food, but you still pay at the cafeteria line? And when you're done eating?

So, I attached a diagram here which maps out my physical experience yesterday. If it looks like a complete clusterfuck, thats because it was.


JosQ said...
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SJT said...

You have successfully diagrammed my every day. Complete with Euro girls (yes really), confusing doors that don't open, and me wielding guns. That's what it's like being me.

JosQ said...

Oops...I have too many windows opened and accidentally deleted my original posting. Still love your diagram - very funny as hell.

jmschuette said...

I laugh every-time I read this one! Love it. But i did talk to some people that went there just a week ago for lunch and they said it was still cafeteria style. Maybe its a dinner thing?