Friday, February 13, 2009


You know, I actually made it down here a few days ago, but I made the mistake of going during the peak lunch hour so the only place that they had for a solo eater was right near the damn register under the worst possible light. Thus, no photo proof.

Quang is one of those places that we've had brought in during many jobs, but I never ate there until recently. Always excellent food and service for the money. I had just standard-ass beef pho. Not too adventurous, I know, but I wanted a photo of pho so thats what I got.

I took my friend Jenny out with me this afternoon, and this is what she ordered. I think it was the #110?

We also got some fresh tofu spring rolls. I would have loved to post a picture of them, and I did photograph them, but I realized that fresh spring rolls just look kind of nasty. I never thought about this until now, but if you could make wrappings out of snot, I think thats what they would look and feel like. Think about it. Say you could gather up enough snot, pour it out like a batter, dry it some, then flatten it and cut it into wraps. Then you make spring rolls. I mean, they're white and kind of sticky. If anyone is still reading this, I'm apologize.

1 comment:

JosQ said...

You just lost your momentum in being a good food critique. Unfortunately, you're not too far off in your imagination. There is a cold dessert soup like dish that is literally name snot dessert simply b/c it looks slimy like snot. Yup, we keep it real. lol... and I could never bring myself to eat such a dish b/c the name and I don't like creamy or slimy dishes.

More importantly, did cupid hit your tickle bone today? *wink*