I know this is a departure from my food postings, but seriously, if I see one more fat cop I'm gonna... well I probably won't do shit. But seriously, there are so many fat ass cops. Its disgusting. Is this where our tax money is going? Does officer Dude really need the Super Xtreme Bacon Burger with Onion Chipperoons and a soda the size of his fat fucking thigh? Besides shooting them, how the hell are these guys going to catch a guy who just lifted a bag of chips from the convenience store? That is unless he hasn't eaten in 20 minutes... in which case getting the fucking bag of chips will be high on the priority list.

The answer to this problem is obvious. Every time you see a fat cop, you should consider it your public duty to commit some random crime(preferably one that WON'T get you shot). Then run. Hopefully, his fat ass will run after you, thus getting some exercise. Seriously, Officer Fatty, DO YOU REALLY NEED TO EAT THAT ENTIRE THING?
fuck the pigs
*two thumbs up for the detour* - very funny. I would love for some of them to sit around and do nothing in SF Glen Park neighborhood if it helps to reduce the mugging crimes. I'm surprised he doesn't notice you're taking a picture of him and chase after you. The visual is pretty funny =)
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