It was on Colfax and Lake St., and now its gone. Judging by the decor still left over in what is now The Favor Cafe(a soul restaurant!), it died a deserved death. Really, the whole thing is lit with pink and teal florescent lights. And the translucent stools! So midwestern-Miami. In other words... really, really, super fucking lame.
And, as anyone who has spent 30+ years in Minnesota would rightfully deduce, I didn't expect much from a southern/soul/caribbean restaurant in Minneapolis. I should know better than to think that I know stuff.

OK, the photo sucks. I already explained the lighting, though. I'm not kidding, it could not have been worse. Fortunately, when you spend a shit-ton of money on a camera these days, you can still record what you ate under crap conditions.
Seriously, I'm not a diehard fan of chicken. Its cool, but it never knocks me out because, well, its boring. I had a Jamaican chicken dish here with collard greens, yams, cornbread, etc... I wasn't even hungry when I ordered. It was amazing. I ate EVERYTHING. I had plans to go sing some karaoke that night when I was done. They were derailed by my fat fucking ass. I could barely move. Oh my god it was good. I'm so glad I found this place because I can see myself having yet another craving for this kind of food which can ONLY be satisfied by this kind of food.

This is the view from the bar. Wierd.
Somehow it all comes together nicely in this photo.
Favor. No L. That oven was awesome. It looks so juicy as a photo.
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