Anyone who has been in this neighborhood long enough probably has a certain amount of nostalgia for Mac's sports bar. No, it wasn't in the mold of the sports bar of today, the mold which has effectively made certain that I will never enter another again. It had true class, real character. So when they knocked the fucker down and put up condos, you can probably imagine my angst.
Then, when a bar opened up across the street and named itself Mac's Industrial Sports Bar(?), I pretty much wrote that one off as well. Fortunately, I'm not quite as inflexible as I come across as being. Its a good place with good beer and good people. I'm not a fan of a bunch of windows in bars, though. Mac's is ALL fucking windows. This works fine in the summer. Come winter, I don't want to see that shit, I want to pretend I'm in Acapulco or something.

I'm even starting to warm up to the goddamn condos across the street. I still think the architects were arrogant pricks to design a building on the cheap that didn't resemble a fucking thing surrounding it, but whatever...